Saturday, April 2, 2011

Palawan... A Paradise You'd Love to Retire To

Okay. First off. I'm not quite close to retiring yet. But that is exactly how I think of Palawan the very first time I visited the place less than a year ago with hubby and some friends. Both my husband and I were thinking about the same thing. We even got to talk to the tour guides and asked them how much the cost of property is, the availability of electricity (this is a remote island after all in a third world country!) and safe drinking water, health services... the staples you need when you grow old. Heck I wouldn't want to fetch water 200 meters away ya know in my advanced age! :) Not so much concern about breaking a hip but more concerned about not remembering how to get back. bwah!

Now here's some photos I took with my bff. I'd like to call him Konyo. No he's not a bratty friend or relative. He's actually a dslr, my good ol' reliable Nikon D40x.

Palawan has lots of these mangroves



The entrance to the underground river. *Click thumbnail photo to see larger pic.*


A friend took a photo of us on the boat.

A stalactite.

The best restaurant with the best view would be Badjao Seafront Resto. Well, food is just average. I don't really expect haute cuisine in a seafood restaurant by the sea. I'm fine it being cooked in a way 'au naturel' with little garnishings and spice. Like you just cooked them yourselves along the beach and added a little spice just for taste.


The hanging lamps were neatly adorned.


There's a picture hanging on the wall sa proof that it has been visited by royalty. No less than Prince Andrew, the Duke of York himself at that!

Then there are the cute tricycles for travelling to short and long distances.
We did ride one from the place we stayed to Lotus Garden Restaurant and back. It has great Asian food. The sushi buffet was yummy!


A visit to the crocodile farm is a must. I think it's the only one of its kind in the country.

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Baby crocs at the nursery.

Some breath-taking views.
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A short trip is definitely not enough. I got to visit only one side of this long island. It has to be Coron next time and hopefully soon.